Understand why business schools use this entrance exam and know everything to expect on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). What you need to know, what to do and when to take the test. Make your admission in Manhattan, New York in the United States or elsewhere in the world.
By: MBA House – 09/06/20, 11:14 a.m. | Manhattan, New York
Last Update: Sept 14, 2020

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What is the Graduate Management Admission Test? The GMAT is a business school entrance exam that lasts approximately 3 1/2 hours, and incorporates the following four elements:
- Is an analytical writing assessment, which contains critical thinking and communication abilities.
- Is an integrated reasoning section, which explains how well students can examine data and understand the information represented in varied forms.
- A quantitative logic section, which defines whether pupils have strong mathematical skills and numerical education.
- A verbal thinking section, which decides reading comprehension skills, editing skills, and whether someone can make an understanding of written arguments.
“Experts say self-studying for the GMAT only works with an important amount of discipline and responsibility.”
What is the GMAT?
Welcome to MBA House. Become a GMAT expert. We will teach you the best way for you to learn everything to prepare for this important exam for admission to the best business schools in the world.
It is important to have a good GMAT preparation, especially if you have no knowledge and do not want to fail this important exam.
There are learning methods and techniques that make a big difference. Understand each point so you don’t get caught off guard.
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Advantages and Disadvantages
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Helps in brightening the part of the brain that infrequently gets used in the day-to-day life, getting some rust off that area of your brain.
- Increases your comprehension skills.
- Absolutely keeps one engaged for at least three to four months or much longer.
- Shows that you are serious about obtaining a graduate business degree. Proves your responsibility and willingness for the rigors of an MBA program.
- GMAT score is true in other English speaking nations also. Achieving a good score leads you to the bright career possibilities.
- No defined age limit for taking the test, so you can practice this exam even after many years of your work expertise.
- The score which you receive is valid for 5 years which implies you can enter the MBA program anytime in this time deadline.
- It is a relatively expensive exam and redoing requires an even stronger desire to work on everything and pay the fees again.
- It requires a lot of time and effort in front of an electronic screen that can affect vision. Take the necessary care during your studies.
- Keeps the person involved for at least three to four months during the process of preparing for the GMAT.
More About GMAT Test
Graduate Management Admission Test, or simply GMAT, is an indispensable part of the business school application process. This is a multiple-select, computer-adaptive and computer-based standardized exam that is often needed for admission to graduate business programs globally.

What do the typical features of the GMAT Test?
Test members who complete the test must wait for the return of five scores, inserting divisions for analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative and verbal, in addition to a complete GMAT score, which is based on the performance of the quantitative and verbal sections.
Below we will show you 06 GMAT books that can help you in your studies. Good enjoy!
GMAT Books
Official Guide

Sentence Correction

Books + Online

GMAT Reading

All the GMAT

Official Guide 2021

What is on the GMAT?
The GMAT exam measures your arithmetic control, algebra, geometry, the study of data from various sources, and grammar. More relevantly, it measures your ability to investigate and qualify written material, reason analytically, and solve problems. The GMAT is, first and foremost, a test of your full understanding skills. Knowing how to reason and research the data is the key to an excellent score.
It is a composition of four sections: Evaluation of Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative and Verbal. See more follow about each section of the test.
We will always highlight for you these important parts of the mathematical and grammatical test.

How does the Computer-Adaptive format of the GMAT Work?
The GMAT verbal and quantitative reasoning sections present each of the medium difficulty questions. Therefore, the questions constantly vary, further increasing the difficulty, according to the candidate’s successes, experts say. Consequently, if the candidate gets the question right, a question usually comes up with the most difficult level in the next step of the exam.
It’s designed for current applicants
While open to any test-takers, the GMAT Online exam was produced specifically as an interim solution to help applicants running to meet forthcoming 2020 business school application deadlines.
Data Sufficiency
The Data Sufficiency (DS) sector is exceptionally proper for the GMAT, as it experiments uniquely managerial abilities. It’s frequently more about logic and critical reasoning than extensive mathematical education or expertise.
Problem Solving
Problem-solving is a classic type of standardized test question. You will see a question and five possible answer options. Problem-solving questions use high school math with algebra and flat geometry to test your critical thinking skills.
Critical Reasoning
Critical reasoning questions test the skills involved in formulating and evaluating arguments, as well as in formulating an action plan. You will be presented with a brief argument or series of statements and a question related to it. Success in critical thinking requires an understanding of the structure of the arguments and a rigorous logical analysis of the connections between evidence and conclusions.
Sentence Correction
Sentence correction you will have to get used to and face long and complicated sentences that challenge the candidate to interpret it. A part – or all – of the paragraph will be marked and you will have to find the best version of the underlined section of the original or one of the four alternatives. The sentence may not contain any errors, so it is good to pay attention.
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension the sections that will further develop the student, and test your critical reading skills, and your ability to interpret the main idea, and try to compare them between the stated ideas and make the specifications implied by the author, always based on the information in a text, and analyzing the logical structure, the passage and trying to deduce the tone and attitude of the author on a topic.

Discover everything about Sections of the Test Prep
Contains four different types of sections, although you use the same critical thinking and analysis skills throughout the test, as you will do during the MBA course.
Content is divided into four classified test sections, two of which are evaluated separately and two of which are evaluated separately, but are also combined to generate your composite score:
- Analytical Writing Evaluation
- Integrated Reasoning
- Quantitative
- Verbal
Test participants can choose the order in which they will take sections of the GMAT Exam.
What are the sections of the GMAT and how many are there? This is a frequent question for those who are starting these new studies.
You will choose the order of the sections in the test center following the computer tutorial and just before starting the test. There are three orders to choose from:
- Evaluation of analytical writing (AWA), integrated reasoning (IR), quantitative, verbal
- Verbal, quantitative, integrated reasoning, analytical writing
- Quantitative, verbal, integrated reasoning, analytical writing
How Is the GMAT Different from the GRE? This is the main doubt for students. Experts say an important distinction between the exams is that the GMAT was created specifically with business schools in mind, while the latter was designed for more general use in various types of graduate schools.
GMAT vs GRE which is tougher?

Comparative GMAT versus GRE
Often, people who are trying to obtain an MBA will contact our MBA admission consultancy to ask about the GMAT and GRE tests, and the admission process for these business schools, especially for MBA (Master of Business) programs. Administration companies).
This doubt has grown a lot in the last years, when discovering that more and more graduate schools require the GRE instead of GMAT and, in some cases, even alternative exams like LSAC. And today, if people who want to take an MBA and find that business schools are asking for GRE scores, they will find that it is widely accepted among the top-rated programs.
Currently, if MBA candidates look at the list of Business Schools like Stanford for example, applying for GRE scores, they will see that it is widely accepted among the top-rated programs.
So how effectively to decide which test is best?
The answer depends on a series of factors. Our team of expert MBA House tutors can help you with all these questions.
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How Do I Register for the GMAT?
Most students can enroll in the GMAT online by creating an account at mba.com, a site managed by GMAC, and scheduling an appointment through the web scheduling system.
You must register to take the GMAT in advance by phone or email; GMAT registration is not accepted at test centers.
The GMAT is conducted across the country and around the world at Pearson VUE test centers. Visit mba.com or call 800-717–GMAT to register. The GMAT costs $ 250.
Where and How Often Is the GMAT Offered?
GMAT test centers exist around the world and in the United States, test participants can identify appropriate test centers in the “Find a Test Center” section of mba.com. The GMAT can be done once every 16 calendar days and can be completed more than five times in a 12-month period. GMAT test participants have a lifetime limit on the number of times they can take the test, with a maximum of eight attempts allowed.
We are not talking about a new GMAT exam, just a new way to take the test
Almost everything about the exam itself is the same. The section score scale and total score are identical, so the GMAT Online exam scores are directly comparable to exam scores based on the GMAT exam center.
How Much Does It Cost to Take the GMAT?
Test prices vary based on the test location. At US test centers, the GMAT exam costs $ 250.
Which includes sending score reports for up to five programs that have been chosen. You must choose the right time to take the GMAT – and the right test preparation – for you, so that you don’t have to pay the fee more than once.
When Should I Take the GMAT?
MBA House recommends that, regardless of how an aspirant from school B plans to prepare for the GMAT, they should schedule the test at least three to four months before the application deadline. “This will allow you to have some storage space if you need to test again to get a higher score”.

What skills are tested on Sections of the GMAT Exam?
The Integrated Reasoning section is designed to assess candidate data analysis and problem-solving skills, two skill sets that are important to many employers of MBA graduates.
Why do Business Schools use GMAT?
Experts say business schools use GMAT scores to assess whether prospective MBA students have the skills needed to excel in rigorous courses.
“They want to demonstrate beforehand that a candidate will actually go through the entire program, so the GMAT helps them make that decision with a certain level of confidence,” said Camille Coppock, GMAC’s director of marketing for the Americas region.
Take it home on your PC or Mac
You can complete the GMAT Online test in the familiar environment of your home or even in the office, as long as you are alone and with the door closed. No one but you can enter the room while you are testing.
How much does the GMAT Matter in the Admissions Process?
Chris Lele, a senior expert, and senior manager of the GRE and SAT curriculum at Magoosh Test Prep says that a common misconception about GMAT is the idea that a score of 700 or more guarantees admission to a selective business school.
How is the GMAT scored?
The GMAT is a standardized exam, which is managed by GMAC and has been highly adapted to CAT (Computerized Adaptive Testing). In the GMAT, the CAT adapts to your performance while you take the test (the more hits, basically, the more complex questions will appear).
The GMAT score is given and is composed of several different numbers, each question has its score GMAT chart. The most familiar number is the general or composite GMAT score. The average score is between 200 to 800 in increments of 10 points and is determined by a combination of your scores in the Verbal and Quantitative sections of the exam. The big business schools, try to be based on the candidate’s performance from the score, being one of the most important factors.
The Verbal and Quantitative sections are analyzed in different ways. You can get a score from 0 to 60 for each section you will be doing. And getting a score of 8 and above 51 is very difficult.
You can get a score in the Integrated Reasoning section from 1 to 8 increments of 1 point. And the questions are divided and you must answer each one carefully to obtain a GMAT score. The score from the IR section is not added to the overall score.
Computerized adaptive testing after starting the GMAT exam, it already estimates that you have the average ability, and already presents you with an intermediate level question. But for each correct answer, the CAT system managed by GMAC, will ask more difficult questions and increase the estimate of its capacity always in progress with the student. And so consecutively when you miss an answer, CAT presents easier questions and, thus, decreases the estimate of your capacity. Your score is composed of the algorithm that calculates your skill level always based not only on what you got or missed but also based on the levels of questions you got.

What are the biggest changes to the GMAT?
According to Chhabra that GMAC has made some changes to the GMAT that will make candidates more comfortable on the day of the exam. GMAC now offers exam participants suggestions on which graduate management programs may be right for you.
When Does It Make Sense to Retake the GMAT?
Veterans of the GMAT exam say applicants for business schools who don’t like their GMAT score and know they can get a better grade are venturing into a new “According to the Graduate Management Admission Council, your data is that another attempt at the GMAT exam will expand a new opportunity to improve scores,” said Gregg Schoenfeld, Senior Director of Research and Data Science at GMAC, by email.
Schoenfeld said that three-quarters of people who have taken the GMAT test improved a high percentage of their score when they retake the exam, with an incredible increase of According to Gregg Schoenfeld, he says that 55% of the people who took the test, already had an average score equivalent to 700 points or more on the GMAT.
What Are Common GMAT Mistakes and How Can I Avoid Them?
Lele says that candidates for business school are often frustrated when they face challenges in preparing for the GMAT and mistakenly assume that they cannot improve their performance. She says that a constructive mindset can help students avoid this error.
“Some believe that GMAT is something you’re good at or bad at,” says Lele.
“As they begin to prepare for the GMAT, they will interpret the initial difficulties as evidence that they belong to the latter category. But these are the difficulties that most people face in preparing for such an arduous and comprehensive examination as the GMAT. Conclusion: Anyone, especially with the right mindset, can improve on the GMAT and should not take the initial struggles as a sign that they are simply not good at the GMAT. “

Online supervision will ensure the integrity and security of the exam
The GMAT Online exam is supervised remotely, which means that inspectors are human (with AI technology support) monitoring your space, and of course, your work session during the session using recorded video and live audio.
Which GMAT Test-Prep Methods Should I Use?
If you took the GMAT exam today, do you think you would do well? This is one of the big doubts that take many students by surprise, after all if you find out your grade can be intimidating, but also a key point for you to know where you are in the GMAT exam. After all, the best method of preparation is to first take a practical GMAT test. A good start is to get to know your weaknesses, strengths and others that you encounter during your preparation. And at MBA House, you will find the best GMAT & GRE preparatory course center, based entirely on an official GMAT guide.
How long should I study for the GMAT?
Experts say that, in general, the performance of an MBA candidate on the GMAT for Harvard, INSEAD, Columbia, Stanford, New York University, and Cambridge is correlated to the number of hours spent preparing for the exam, but there is no hard and fast rule about how much preparation time is required, as this varies according to the student.
What GMAT preparation methods should I use?
Experts warn that preparing for the GMAT on your own requires discipline.
“Some candidates can study on their own, but we found that a class, or better yet, a tutor, helps keep students on track and reinforces their study schedule.”
Wrote Stacy Blackman, President of Stacy Blackman Consulting, admission to the MBA consulting, by email.
What is a good GMAT Score?
If case you care about a good score it is very relevant to observe the average score of the big business schools of those who are candidates admitted to the MBA programs in which you are thinking of admitting. This way you will have a good baseline score.
The GMAT scores in the Quantitative and Verbal sections are analyzed with a score from 0 to 60 and have an average score for the Quantitative section 39 and the average score for Verbal at 27. And the score that business schools and MBA programs pay more attention to is the combination of 200– 800 scoring scale, where the average score is 552.

How Can I Improve My GMAT Score?
For those who want to join major business schools around the world, and mainly want to improve the percentage of GMAT scores, before even jumping in, look to see if they are showing realistic ideas and it is really necessary to achieve the score you want for admission in your MBA program you chose, says Coppock.
What makes a good GMAT Score?
For you to understand this, there is the GMAT percentage, it gathers all the information you should know about the score in a simpler way. It is based on very important information about your score to obtain admission to a business school, so it must be carefully considered.
This standardization called GMAT percentiles, it is calculated from the sections evaluated by the candidate who takes the test, with the Quantitative section, having a total of 31 questions, with a time of 62 minutes for the resolution of the section. When the exam is applied, it is constantly modified by the number of questions, but not by the punctuation, but to see in-depth the candidate’s ability, and thus seeing if the student can manage his time for the resolution of all sections.
How can I prepare for the GMAT?
We can help you. We have the best GMAT preparation options available, they are convenient and customized to fit any learning and programming style.

MBA House – GMAT Prep Course
MBA House is the largest GMAT & GRE preparatory course center on the market, where you get an association with all classes and private lessons included. In this way, we will allow our team to help you in the best possible way with efficient strategies that will help significantly your score.
After finding out how you did choose your programs
You will receive an email with the official score report within seven working days, which will include section scores and the total score, as well as your percentage score.
How hard is the GMAT?
There are several circumstances of the GMAT that classify it as a difficult test. The setting adjustable to the specific GMAT computer means that you will never be able to skip a difficult question and come back to it later; you need to choose a solution and move on. At the same time, you are contemplated not only for the right answers but also for the right answers and important questions.
How long is the Test?
When it’s the day of the Test, you can expect to take the exam in approximately 3.5 hours, entering the duration for taking the test and alternate periods. See that this period does not add to your central testing check-in. It is advisable to be present at the test center at least 30 minutes before the test.

When is the Exam Offered?
The GMAT is administered annually at Pearson VUE centers. You can reach a complete list of test centers available with seats on the official GMAT website today.
It is highly advisable. that you register for your chosen GMAT exam date in advance, so that you can choose a test date that gives GMAT enough time to calculate your score and refer you to MBA programs to finally enroll. It may take up to 20 days. During popular testing hours, places at the Pearson VUE test center may be limited. The GMAT can be done once every 16 days, a total of five times over a constant period of 12 months (365 days) reaching up to eight times at most.
When to take the Test Prep?
Since the MBA and other business programs have an extensive series of application deadlines, you will want to delve into your programs of greatest interest in advance and confirm that your GMAT score can be declared in time for the nearest deadline. The GMAT score is valid for up to five years.
Test queries will be available 24 hours a day
One of the benefits of the GMAT Online exam is that it offers all the flexibility and convenience of being able to do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How do I know if my score is good enough to get me into my dream school?
Great question. Check all content to be admitted to our business school with MBA House!
What is the GMAT? You Really Understand Now?
The GMAT change was on April 16, 2018. Quantitative Reasoning content decreased from 37 questions in 75 minutes to 31 questions in 62 minutes. Verbal Reasoning content dropped from 41 questions in 75 minutes to 36 questions in 65 minutes. GMAC decided to decrease the total test time from 4 to 3.5 hours (with instructions and intervals included), decreasing the total number of questions without scores used to search for the exam.

What is the Graduate Management Admission Test and why is it important?
The GMAT is a mandatory computer-appropriate test (CAT) in many business schools. If you intend to be admitted to a competitive MBA program, your GMAT score is essential.
Be aware that many MBA programs receive registrations in “rounds” that may end in the first week of September, the Round in programs is very busy and may go on until April or May, continuing to Round 3 and 4.
In addition to their GMAT score, business school admissions officers consider the extent and caliber of their work experience (especially for more selective programs), undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, interviews, and essays. Make sure you get in touch with the MBA programs for the most relevant ones you intend to enroll in and thus define your essential requirements.
“You can register for an exam appointment for up to 24 hours in advance.”

Top Business Schools
Many business schools require a minimum score in order to stand out from the rest of the students and also please the admission consultants as a benchmark, and analyzing the average scores that the schools are requesting is a great point if you haven’t decided yet. which school to join.
Check here soon, a complete review of best top business schools of the world:
And looking at the big picture, it is very informative to understand that business schools are undergoing changes every year, with an increase of 1 to 2 points, and some even maintaining grades. And many schools giving surprising drops like UNC (Kenan-Flagler), who had 6 points less in their scores in this transaction from the year 2018, to 2019.
Keeping an eye on these in-depth observations is a key point for you to stay on top of everything that happens and what is added to the Graduate Management Admission Test. Here at MBA House, you will find the best preparatory course for the GMAT, and you will also be informed of everything that is added and of these relationships that happen in the test.
List of The Best B-Schools in United States
The American Ivy League comprises eight esteemed institutions known for their rich history, academic excellence, and social prominence:
- Harvard University (Massachusetts)
- Columbia University (New York)
- Yale University (Connecticut)
- Brown University (Rhode Island)
- Dartmouth College (New Hampshire)
- Cornell University (New York)
- University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania)
- Princeton University (New Jersey)
- Stanford University (California)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How long do you need to prepare for the Exam?
Studying for the GMAT needs time. Prepare to spend around 2 to 3 months and 100 ~ 120 hours reading material and practicing constantly. The topmost scorers on the GMAT spend more 120 hours, on ordinary, examining for Test Day across a period of time.
What is the best way to prepare for the Test?
- Begin your GMAT exam method at least 6-months before your test results are scheduled.
- Study and analyze one part of the test at a moment.
- Study essential math abilities.
- Exercise pacing, because time control is dangerous to complete the G.M.A.T exam.
- Examine the types of problems in the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Verbal (V), and Quantitative Reasoning (QR) sections.
- Practice the free Graduate Management Admission Test™ to assist you to become common with the format applied in the original exam, including pair free computer-adaptive exams.
- Increase your training with more topics by utilizing GMAT Official Practice Exams.
- Prepare with original GMAT questions, solutions, and examples using the GMAT Official Guide.
- Analyze the Official Guide Verbal or the Official Guide Quantitative.
- Target your training for a specific part of the exam, using AWA Prep, IR Practice, and Quantitative Practice for quantitative thinking.
Is the GMAT difficult?
GMAT is moderately easy if you sincerely don’t care how you do. If you normally score in the 99th percentile of regulated tests, then taking over a 700 on the exam shouldn’t be extremely difficult with moderate training. If you usually flub regulated tests, then acing the course will be that extremely more complicated.
Is GMAT prep harder than official GMAT exam?
GMATPrep may appear insignificantly harder than the original GMAT but that software is the closest you can get to real GMAT. All the problems and examinations out there are very harder.
Can I prepare for Test in 3 months?
During your GMAT Preparation calendar 3-months is sufficient time to training intensively without having to exaust, to set in on your vulnerabilities, and to, in most cases, give the increase in your GMAT score that you’re wishing for.
How long does the GMAT last?
In total, the GMAT takes about 3.5 hours to complete (including breaks). The evaluation of the analytical writing lasts 30 minutes and the integrated reasoning section, 30 minutes. The quantitative section takes 62 minutes and the verbal section takes 65 minutes.
There are two optional eight-minute intervals during the test.
Is the use of a calculator allowed in the Exam?
You will have access to an on-screen calculator with basic functions during the integrated reasoning section. You won’t have access to a GMAT calculator in the quantitative section, but don’t worry: you won’t be asked to complete detailed or accurate calculations for questions about quant.
How are GMAT scores scored?
The four sections of the GMAT are scored separately. Your total score, between 200 and 800 (which people generally refer to when they say “GMAT score”) reflects the combination of their verbal and quant scores. You will also receive individual verbal and quantitative scores between 0 and 60. In the integrated reasoning section, you will receive scores from 1 to 8.
The evaluation of analytical writing is scored by two graders. You will receive a score of 0 to 6 in half-point increments.
What is a good score for Exam?
Although the average GMAT score is usually 550, you will need 600 or more to join most of the top 50 business schools. For the top 10 schools, a score of more than 700 is expected in most incoming students. In particularly elite programs like Harvard or Stanford, you will generally need a score of 720 or higher to be admitted.
What matters most is that your GMAT score takes you to the business school of your choice. To find the average GMAT score of the most recent students in the MBA programs of your choice, check out the most recent class profile in each of your potential schools
What is the average score?
The average GMAT score for all participants is 551.94. The average score in the evaluation of the analytical test is 4.37; in the section of integrated reasoning, it is 4.23.
The mean verbal score is 26.8 and the mean quant score is 38.91.
Keep in mind that average scores are not a good barometer of where your score should go in order for you to join an MBA program. Competitive business schools expect scores far above average.
How long does it take to obtain scores?
You will receive an unofficial scoring report for each section, except the analytical writing assessment at the test site, immediately after taking the exam. You will receive an official scoring report approximately 20 days after taking the GMAT.
You can choose five schools to submit your score before taking the exam. These schools will receive their official score report approximately 20 days after their consultation at the GMAT. Additional score reports, which can be ordered online, cost $ 28 each and will be sent to the schools you select in one week.
Do I need to take the GMAT for Business School?
Many business schools accept the GRE instead of the GMAT, but most require one or the other as part of the admission process.
Some business schools do not require the Exam. In particular, executive assessment test in MBA programs – advanced and accelerated programs designed for working professionals or students with extensive relevant work experience – generally accept GMAT layoffs if you can demonstrate a number of years of work experience, success in old positions leadership and / or high academic record.
What is the score required to enter the Business School?
In the top 10 business schools, the average score of students received on the GMAT is over 700. A score of 720 or more will help you stand out among colleagues in the admission process.
In average rating programs, a GMAT score of 600 or more is a very safe bet.
To learn more about the average GMAT scores in your potential business schools, see the profiles of the most recent classes in each of the chosen MBA programs. Find out more about what GMAT score is required to enter an MBA program here.
Can I enter an MBA program with a low score?
There is no cut-off GMAT score below which you absolutely cannot enter an MBA program.
Some students with lower grades are admitted to high-level MBA programs, but are extreme. Generally, if a student with a lower score is admitted, he or she has a particularly impressive work history or some particularly exceptional achievement, such as awards or special recognition.
What is the math in the Test?
The GMAT quant section is divided into troubleshooting issues and data sufficiency issues. Data sufficiency questions will ask whether, given a question and two statements containing data, whether the data in the two statements is sufficient or ‘sufficient’ to answer the question.
Since you will not have a calculator in the quant section, it is also important to practice the calculations in your head as part of your preparation for the Graduate Management Admission Test.
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